LG 개통 신청 완료하셨습니다
안녕하세요, My Ksim입니다. 신청서가 정상적으로 전송되었습니다.
입금은 이트렌스퍼로 해주시면 됩니다. simcardanytime@gmail.com Eunnae Fraley
Personal Message 에 신청자분 이멜 주소를 써주세요. 그래야 입금확인 가능합니다
입금할 금액은 30일: $53.50 , 40일:$63.75, 50일:$74.25, 60일:$84.75, 프리미엄: $126.75 입니다다
만약 작성하신 신청서에 보안 관련 서류가 필요한 경우, 보안 요청 이메일이 발송될 것입니다. 이 경우 이메일을 확인하시고 요청된 양식을 제출해주시기 바랍니다.
신청서 작성에 이상이 없는 경우, 한국 본사에서의 개통 예약이 완료될 것입니다.
인천 제1,2청사 공항 신분증 스캔 관련 안내드립니다.
신분증을 K-BOOKS에 가셔서 스캔하셔야 합니다
서점 내 스캐너 운영 시간은 월 ~ 일 7 am- 6:30 pm 까지이며, 이 시간 이후에도착하시면 개통은 다음 영업날 아침 10시 이후에 이루워집니다. (만일 공휴일이나 일요일에 도착하셨다면 도착후 바로 스캔하셔도 다음날 개통이 됩니다)
신도림역 사무실 운영시간은 월 ~금 (공휴일 제외) 10 am- 6 pm 입니다. 점심시간 (12-1)은 근무가 없습니다. 가시기전에 미리 연락하고 가시는게 좋습니다. 카톡: allnet3382, 010-5298-7667
한국정부의 강제사항이라 LG에서 컨트롤할수 없는점 양해해주세요
Your application has been successfully submitted.
Please make your payment via eTransfer to simcardanytime@gmail.com, under the name Eunnae Fraley.
In the Personal Message section, please include the applicant's email address. This is necessary for us to confirm your payment.
The payment amounts are as follows:
30 days: $53.50
40 days: $63.75
50 days: $74.25
60 days: $84.75
Premium: $126.75
After reviewing it, if additional security is needed, we will send you an email. If no document is required, we will send you a completion email.
If there are no issues with your application, the activation will be completed at our headquarters in Korea.
Instructions for Scanning Identification at Incheon Terminal 1 and 2:
You must go to K-BOOKS to scan your identification.
The scanner hours in the bookstore are from Monday to Sunday, 7 am to 6:30 pm. If you arrive after these hours, activation will take place the following business day after 10 am. (If you arrive on a public holiday or Sunday, you can scan immediately after arrival, and activation will still occur the next day.)
The operating hours for the Sindorim office are Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays) from 10 am to 6 pm. There is no service during lunch hours (12-1 pm). It is advisable to contact us before visiting. KakaoTalk: allnet3382, 010-5298-7667
Please understand that this is a requirement from the Korean government, and LG cannot control this.
For those arriving after May 8/2024
There will be an additional fee of $5.(Please pay to My Ksim)
Additionally, you will need to submit your passport again at Incheon Airport.
It's located between Gates C and D on the 1st floor of Terminal 1 at Incheon Airport.
Open from 6:30 AM to 9:30 PM.
Please understand that this is a mandatory requirement imposed by the Korean government, and it's beyond the control of LG.
1. Please confirm if the mobile phone you are currently using before departure is unlocked.
If it is locked, please contact your current carrier.
2. Please switch from 5G to LTE.
40 days: Add $10
50 days: Add $20
60 days: Add $30
For extensions beyond 60 days,
☞ KakaoTalk: allnet3382, 010-5298-7667 (preferably via text) Director Jeong Jaehyung
Korean SIM Card Usage Guide in Korea
1. Turn off airplane mode on your mobile phone.
2. Please turn on roaming. If roaming is off, data usage won't work.
3. Foreigners (Not Korean citizen) : It takes about 1 hour to activate simcard after entering Korea. After about 1 hour of entering Korea, turn off and on the power to check the LG logo (execute every 10 minutes, (Korean LG office hours are 10am -7 p.m)
4. If you arrive after 6 p.m., it will be activated on the next business day after 10 a.m. (Except Sunday and holidays).
5. Manual activation (if the SIM card is not automatically recognized):
Insert the My Ksim purchased SIM card correctly and turn on the phone. Press the call button and enter # including #758353266#646# on the keypad -> 'Do you want to download the SIM card?' message appears -> Press [Confirm] or [OK] -> SIM card registration is completed automatically after rebooting.
If the phone still does not pick up LG signal even after turning it off and on several times...
1. Please insert the simcard to cellphone who belongs to Residents in Korea, and check if it works.
2. Please insert Korean friend's or family's simcard (the person who lives in Korea) to your Canadian cellphone and check if it works.
3. Make a call to the phone number provided by My Ksim.
If it says "The power is off," it means that simcard has been activated.
If it sounds like "The number you are calling is not in service" then the activation is not complete. In this case, we will reset it for you.
However, if you still have problems using your phone, please feel free to contact us anytime. KakaoTalk: koreansim1, Phone: 587-889-1418
The Korean Customer Service Center supports customers worldwide, so immediate responses may not be possible due to heavy workload. Therefore, I would appreciate it if you could contact me first.
*** You cell phone should be recognized my ksim simcard when you turned off and on 4-5 times.
Foreigner(Not Korean citizen) SIM cards are automatically deactivated when leaving Korea.
Foreign nationals who leave Korea after visiting Korea will automatically disable the SIM card, and if they re-enter Korea, they should call 1600-5281 or 114 to request cancellation. Only the user can unlock it, so please understand that we cannot assist you with this.
LG operating hours (excluding weekends and holidays) are between 10 am and 6 pm. We can only unlock it during this time.
If you have question, please send kakaotalk My ksim including these messages
1. Applicant's name
2. you use LG
3. The 010 phone number I provided (usually sent by email. Please check your email).